Arrival of the Augustines - August 1st 1639

Arrival of the Augustines - August 1st 1639

Arrival of the Augustines - August 1st 1639

Storms, cold, Iroquois, diseases, nothing seems to intimidate the founders of our Church and our country. Among the pioneers arriving in the colony are the Augustines, also known as "Augustines of the Mercy of Jesus." Originating from Dieppe in France, they settle in Canada with the mission to found the first hospital of Canada the Hôtel Dieu de Québec. Their love for their neighbor led them out of their country bringing them to Canada where they would be stewards of God’s divine mercy to American Indians and French settlers. These dedicated women themselves to the service of the sick and were eager to learn the First Nations languages ​​in order to serve them better. And so, their acts of kindness were appreciated by the settlers and the First Nations. Their spirit of service and charity managed to convert several Indians and comfort those receiving their care. By the sweat of their brow and the goodness of their hearts, the community settled permanently in Quebec and subsequently founded 11 monasteries other hospitals in the province. Thanks to these women both courageous and charitable, the Quebecois could live in the country sustained by the magnanimous works of the Augustinians.

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